#7 Arun Molivar Man

Near the southern end of the continent is a tundra bordered on the west by mountains. Where the two lands meet lives a man no one has ever seen. The man lives in a citadel constructed of pure ivory. Some claim the man controls the weather. Others say the man ferries people to the distant Land of Dreams each night. Yet many believe the man collects the tears of crestfallen young women to build icebergs for the Wailing Sea.

Four days ago I received a letter from the man. I have yet to read it. . .

Click here to listen to “Arun Molivar Man”

Citadel Arun

#6 Temple of Ustonu

Throughout my travels I have heard many tales about the love shared by two Children from antiquity. She was Queen of the Prairies and he ruled over the hills. Together they built Ut’Gor Keep, well-hidden somewhere between the rolling hills and the flat prairies.

A great wall protects their vast domain from the Archlord in the west. And scattered across the hilly landscape on the east side of that wall are the many orange temples built for Ustonu. He alone can protect his love and his children.

I journey through the hills in hopes of making his acquaintance.

Click here to listen to “Temple of Ustonu”

Goresi and Ustonu

#5 The Manor Court

It was the first day of the Spring Festival. The castle had a great courtyard in its center. The courtyard was easily the length of five roadside inns. On the green grass, among the marble statues and stone fountains, were the citizens of the nearby hamlet. It was only one time a year, during this Festival, that the castle was opened for all to explore. While some people enjoyed the adventure of exploring the gloomy dungeons or ascending the high towers, most spent their day outside in the warm sunshine in the courtyard.

At one end of the courtyard was a large wooden platform where the music was played. This year a trio performed consisting of a guitar, a violin, and a flute. Nearby jesters entertained the audience with their juggling and tumbling acts. Without a sound, the people watched and smiled. All of the merriment continued despite the fact that evil siege equipment was on the horizon and drawing near. Everyone was content even though the war was about to begin.

Click here to listen to “The Manor Court”

The Spring Festival

#4 Club Jungle

The lions glare at me with their sad eyes. The hyenas’ laughter lacks joy. And the others are hollow. But after a brief visit we are all uplifted. As I walk away, I glance back and see myself. Did the parrot wave at me? My friends of the western wilderness and I always fascinate each other.

Click here to listen to “Club Jungle”
